<aside> 👉 Duplicate this form and fill it in before your feedback meeting. Take maximum one hour and keep it short.


What were the main tasks you worked on since the last feedback process?
What were the improvement points that you identified last time?
What achievements are you proud of? Which part of the work did you enjoy doing?
What are your strengths within the team? What are you good at?
What are you less satisfied about? What did you do less well or could have been better?
Do you remember a dynamic or a moment in the group, that you found difficult? What kind of dynamic you would have preferred?
What have you contributed to the team? How have you supported others or what have they learned from you?
How did the team help and support you in your work? What have you learned from others? How/where did you grow?
How do you think Common Knowledge as a whole is doing ?
How do you see your future at Common Knowledge?
What do you want out of this feedback? Do you have any specific requests?